The Long Walk Down
Arriving back at Chivay after the condor trip we prepared
ourselves for three straight days of hiking in the canyon. The little pavilion
at the start was mobbed with hikers; even though our tour consisted of just
myself, Sylvia and the guide Eli, many tours start from here…serving as a
reminder that Colca Canyon is Peru’s 3rd biggest tourist attraction,
getting over 100,000 visitors annually. A lot of people, but then Grand Canyon sees
fifty times that many. Here as well is the ubiquitous Peruvian kiosk with
bottled water, soda, snacks and hiking poles for sale. And a last-chance restroom
with a manual-flush toilet (it’s called a bucket of water)…you could use it for
the price of one sol (about 35 cents.) Beyond this, even bushes to hide behind
would be in short supply.
Soon we were underway. It was barely mid-morning, maybe
about 9 am. Some of the best views are those had early…sweeping vistas up and
down the canyon. Again, comparing this to the Grand Canyon, Colca is not only
deeper but much more precipitous…unlike the Colorado River which is miles from
the rim and usually hidden from view beneath ledges and plateaus, the Colca River
is entirely visible for those who dare to look straight down. This means that
the downhill is much steeper, but also relatively fast (it takes half a day of
hiking to reach the Colorado from the rim…a fast hiker can reach the Colca in
perhaps three hours.)
As we walked, the entire hike unfolded right in front of us.
This is one of the odd things about canyon hiking…from the start you can see
everyplace you will go, often surprisingly close at hand. But once you get
deeper into the canyon, the landscape swallowers everything. Now, all you can
see is what the bending and twisting terrain will allow you to see, which is
often as not deceptive. We had a brief glimpse of the Oasis, our second days
destination, as we turned a bend. We would not see it again for over 48 hours.
While it was steep, the downhill is not especially
difficult. There was only one section that I would consider dangerously rough,
and this was very short (less than ten meters.) There were a few sections that
pass under rock ledges, and these tended to be the rougher ones, and the guide
urged us not to stop for long in these areas. But we saw no rockfall. The
biggest threat was the sun…there were almost no shaded areas on the south side
of the canyon at all…there are no trees except for one clump at the very start,
and what few shady spots there are provided by folds in the canyon walls
themselves (the microclimates of these little oasis are shockingly cool.) But
these are few and far between; mostly, this is a long way down along a trail
that is continuously in bright sun. As you get closer to the bottom, it gets
hotter. And there is no water at all between rim and river except what you
bring. By the time you gratefully reach the Rio Colca, it is obvious why an
early start is considered mandatory on the ascent.
The river is crossed by means a large and impressive looking
suspension foot bridge…which like all suspension bridges shakes alarmingly when
crossed, but seems safe. After resting in the shelter of a boulder we turned
sharply uphill to scale the river embankment, the first climb of the trip.
Fortunately, elevation is not as much a factor at river level as on the rim.
Eli the guide detoured us through a rough, jungle-like section to reach the
final stop of the day; Roy’s Lodge in the village of San Juan de Chuccho.
The contrast between the barren south side of the canyon and
the cultivated north side could hardly be greater. While not a tree stands on
the sun-baked south wall, the north is not only lush but populated.
Agricultural terraces shaded by orchard trees line the hillside, supported by
systems of well maintained aqueducts. Villages dot the hillside in abundance.
Crossing the river one leaves a starkly beautiful desert hellscape and enters a
place that can truthfully be called a paradise, each separated by a moat of
water perhaps twenty yards wide.
We sat down for a fine lunch at Roy’s, where we had a view
of the canyon wall before us, and the lower part of the trail switch-backing
down it. We were done for the day but some tourists were still making the
laborious descent, in full view of us and in the full heat of mid-day.
After lunch and a tour of our accommodations (private cabins
which included bathrooms, but no hot water and no electric lights) we went out
for a walk with the guide. The abundance of foodstuffs growing here is
incredible…pumpkins, figs, dates, avocados, various kinds of fruits and of
course the staple of the Andean peoples, corn. Sadly, we also learned from Eli
that the villages we saw are mostly metal-roofed derelicts. Despite its
lushness, agriculture beyond the subsistence level is impossible in the canyon.
You can grow food, but you can’t easily get it out of the canyon to market.
With few opportunities for work or schooling, the young people of the villages
are leaving for the cities. Those that stay are mostly the old, and those (like
Roy’s family) that support the tourist infrastructure. In a few years, the
culture will be entirely gone. Only the hotels and empty buildings will remain.
See our video here!
Next up: Walking Along the Colca