Saturday, June 17, 2017

Grand -re-re-opening of the blog.

Well there have not been too many posts lately because, frankly, I haven't made any. This is not so much because I have had no time (the usual excuse) or that I was 'too busy doing other things' or distracted; it is mostly because I couldn't be bothered with it. It takes a lot of work to blog; if you enjoy the outdoors, shouldn't you rather be outdoors than blogging? It turns out I also enjoy a lot of other things like playing video games, watching hockey and (as Sylvia would tell you) doing nothing..

Blogs are a bit like gardens...if not continually maintained, they fall into disuse; and blogging is a lot like gardening in that it requires not only a lot of work but continual re-work. It strikes me that the finest blogs I see online are not only those with the best content,  pictures and graphics, but those that are continually updated. The best blogs are the most highly evolved, iteration by iteration. If you don't do something constantly it can never be perfected; it can never be great. True of gardening, true of anything that requires skill. It's certainly true of blogging.

So, I am going to re-re-open the blog with the idea of evolving it to the next level; if not perfect than perfected. There's actually been quite a few adventures since the last time I checked in. We've been back to Peru, and we visited the state of Washington last year. In addition we've had many adventures in NC and neighboring states. We have, in short, plenty to talk about.

I'll start with this years adventures and, if time and interest permit, I'll circle back and show some of what we did last year. Time to get this blog evolving again.

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